What is fortification? Fortified rice kernel
* Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals * Rice is fortified with rice kernels, which are
such as Iron, Iodine, vitamin A & D to staple foods such manufactured by combining rice powder
as Rice, Milk, Salt, Wheat Flour and Edible Oil to improve with micronutrients. Powder is converted
their nutritional. into rice-like kernels using extrusion
* The nutrients may or may not have been originally technology. The fortified rice closely
present in the food before processing. resemble the sheen, consistency and
* It is a simple, proven, cost-effective and complementary flavour of regular rice.
strategy in use across the globe.
Why we need fortified rice?
Micronutrient Deficiencies Common in Rice-consuming Populations
The situation and scenario of fortified rice in India
Rice fortification around the world
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②Room 1304,Shanxin Mansion,Qizhou Road,Huaiyin District,Jinan city,Shandong Province,China